有關協會 About HKADT

香港戲劇治療師協會 Hong Kong Association of Drama Therapists


香港戲劇治療師協會的專業會員及畢業生會員均畢業於北美或英國戲劇治療專業體制(NADTA和BADth)下有系統且完整的教育訓練體制均為這兩個體制所認可的合資格戲劇治療師。香港戲劇治療師協會自從2009年成立以來,一直同時兼顧北美體制和英國體制的專業標準,依從這兩個體制的專業規範(專業倫理規範及專業教育訓練規範),促進本地戲劇治療師專業共同體的形成,並以相互監督的方式持守專業水平以對公眾負責。此外,香港戲劇治療師協會亦是World Alliance of Dramatherapy的成員之一。

由2020年開始,香港戲劇治療師協會跟香港音樂治療協會、香港舞蹈動作治療協會、香港藝術治療師協會、香港表達藝術治療協會均派出代表,參與五個協會聯合成立的Hong Kong Creative Arts Council這個交流平台,每月會面去討論嘗試統合大家的專業標準,希望進一步修訂出一個以外國已奠定基礎的體制為參照基準、水平不低於這些體制標準的創意藝術治療師專業規範;相應於此,香港戲劇治療師協會亦正在修訂本會的倫理規範和教育規範,亦將以不低於原本一直參照的北美體制及英國體制(NADTA和BADth)標準為修訂原則

成立目的 Our Missions


Promote professional development of drama therapists in Hong Kong

查詢 Enquiries

請聯絡協會秘書 secretary.hkadt@gmail.com

For more information, please contact the secretary at secretary.hkadt@gmail.com


中文  ENG


  • 英國醫療及護理專業局 註冊戲劇治療師 或 註冊藝術(戲劇)治療師
  • 北美洲戲劇治療協會 註冊戲劇治療師/認可導師 或 註冊戲劇治療師
  • 澳洲、紐西蘭及亞洲創意藝術治療協會 註冊戲劇治療師

香港戲劇治療師協會督導/認可導師會員如下 (排名按姓氏英文字母次序):

陳凌軒女士  Ms. Adeline Chan



朱嘉琦女士  Ms. Diana Chu


Diana是北美戲劇治療協會(North America Drama Therapy Association)的註冊戲劇治療師和認可導師。她也是一名持有執照的婚姻與家庭治療師,以及專門為創始人、投資者和企業家提供心理人際教練服務的專家。她在Stanford University史丹福大學研究生商學院(美國)擔任人際學促進師,支持MBA工商管理硕士學生在發展情商、溝通技巧和自我認識技能。

除了戲劇治療,她還受過眼動脫敏再處理(EMDR)、Gottman方法的夫妻治療、Prepare/Enrich計劃以及氯胺酮輔助治療(Ketamine Assist Therapy)的培訓。



盧幸賢女士  Ms. Candy Lo

美國督導級舞蹈/動作治療師,美國註冊戲劇治療師/認可導師,美國認可兒童醫療輔導師,舞蹈/動作治療及心理輔導碩士,Baby Signing Time 嬰兒手語導師。香港大學醫學院(醫學人文學科,表演藝術課程-由誇啦啦藝術集匯設計)教師,香港大學(表達藝術治療碩士課程)榮譽講師,美國萊斯里大學(Lesley University)(表達藝術治療碩士課程)兼任教授 。


Candy畢業於美國安蒂奧克新英格蘭研究生院(Antioch University New England)舞蹈/動作治療及心理輔導系,現透過私人執業(Piece of Sky-創意藝術治療及心理輔導)為癌症病人(兒童及成人)及其家屬,特殊需要兒童,預產後父母,自閉症患者(成人及兒童),精神病患者,及其他不同機構及團體提供服務。

Candy亦是一個專業表演者,在倫敦藝術大學(London Studio Centre),音樂劇舞系畢業後,曾於香港迪士尼樂園以歌唱員身份作全職演出。


余漢傑先生  Mr. Eddie Yu





陳楚鍵先生  Mr. Chan Cho Kin





Facebook @AuthenticACTS
Instagram @kinpsychotherapist

陳愷欣女士  Ms. Step Chan

英國法證心理學碩士畢業,註冊戲劇治療師(北美戲劇治療師協會 NADTA)。發展性轉化(DvT;以耍玩手法探索發展需要及加強心理韌性)第一階段執行師。2019年起以實習治療師身份開展心理治療工作,2022年起加入香港戲劇治療中心;於中小學、社福機構服務有特殊學習需要(SEN)的兒童/青少年及其家長、亦為受情緒困擾或有其他精神健康需要的成人、長者、及其他弱勢社群提供個人及小組戲劇治療服務。



鄺文傑先生  Mr. MK Kwong




鄺氏為香港「後」劇團、「鏡」劇團及美國「在」劇團成員、亦曾參與超過八十場演出及於大、中小學培訓學生一人一故事劇場。以往參與策劃及創作「SEN 有 Say」人種誌劇場及「……不是世界的全部」敘事劇場。

曾參演2013年社區文化大使「『生命.樹』環境保育劇場 」結業演出、2014年社區文化大使「『生命.”』環境保育劇場 」結業演出。

Facebook @hongkongdramatherapycenter
Instagram @hkdtc

李思揚女士  Ms. Si Yeung Li



現為自由身戲劇治療師及香港戲劇治療中心共同創辦人,曾服務有發展障礙的兒童及青少年、受精神病患困擾的成人、智障人士及長者,為有需要人士提供個人及小組戲劇治療,以及戲劇治療工作坊。曾合作機構包括:童軍知友社賽馬會啟業青少年服務中心、匯基書院(東九龍)、嗇色園主辦可榮耆英鄰舍中心、香港青年協會 uTouch、Not a gallery。



Facebook @lisiyeungDT, @hongkongdramatherapycenter
Instagram @hkdtc

盧家碧女士  Ms. Prisca Lo


美國Lesley University臨床精神健康輔導碩士畢業,以戲劇治療手法進行治療。亦是香港浸會大學中國研究(歷史)、香港理工大學應用心理學榮譽學士,以及香港中文大學性別研究碩士畢業生。並於本地及國內社福機構工作十多年,也參與突破機構之基督教歷奇輔導,以及突破匯動青年義務工作達十年之久,隨團曾參與神學院相關課程之助教工作。自2016年接受一人一故事即興劇場、戲劇與形體訓練,成立一爐•一人一故事劇團。此外在本港及國內,進行戲劇教育,以顧問形式與機構合作,為青少年項目進行企劃及人員培訓。服務對象為具特殊教育需要之學生,及其他確診精神病患之人士。

麥慕思女士  Ms. MO Mak


2018年在英國倫敦大學皇家中央演講及戲劇學院(The Royal Central School of Speech & Drama, University of London)畢業,現為英國國家健康與照護專業評議會(HCPC)註冊戲劇治療師。在學期間,曾於倫敦不同的機構實習,如酒精或藥物成癮復康中心、成人日間托管中心、特殊學校、主流小學,以及幼兒中心,求學時亦在為自閉症人士及其家庭提供支援服務的機構(Resources for Autism, London)工作。



吳紹熙先生  Mr. Larry Ng


吳紹熙是一位註冊戲劇治療師(北美戲劇治療師協會NADTA)及認證的催眠治療師(IMDHA),亦是一位國際認可的費登奎斯方法(Feldenkrais Method)身心導師,以及Jeremy Krauss Approach治療師(一種協助有發展障礙的兒童的身體方法)。他亦曾接受Satir Model家庭治療和心理劇的專業證書訓練,近年亦開始學習Sue Jennings於近十年開發的Neuro-Dramatic-Play,同時現正接受專門處理心理創傷的治療性螺旋模式心理劇(TSM Psychodrama)的訓練。






黃靜嫺女士  Ms. Dorothy Wong


Dream of Tomorrow 創辦人及總監,具多年籌劃企業培訓、社區藝術、戲劇治療及青少年文化工作經驗,近年主力推動藝術互動策略,籌辦各類型文化藝術節目、企業培訓、創意工作坊、展覽策劃及戲劇治療課程等。曾任職市場推廣及企業培訓工作,策劃市場推廣活動,建立品牌形象,協助機構塑造企業文化,並為客戶服務及核心價值培訓注入創意元素;曾在世界各地進行戲劇治療及創意培訓(包括香港、中國、柬埔寨、加拿大及英國)。

Facebook @Dream of Tomorrow
Instagram @dot_dreamoftomorrow

HK Drama Therapists

中文  ENG

For general public’s better understanding, we only accept qualified practitioners with one of the following registrations to be our professional members. Please contact us if you are registered with other professional bodies so we can assess on individual basis.

  • Registered Dramatherapist or Registered Arts Therapist (Drama), UK Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC)
  • Registered Drama Therapist or Registered Drama Therapist/ Board Certified Trainer, North American Drama Therapy Association (NADTA)
  • Registered Dramatherapist, The Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA)

HKADT Supervisor/Trainer members are listed below (In alphabetical order):

陳凌軒女士  Ms. Adeline Chan

Ms. Adeline Chan is a US registered drama therapist, North America Drama Therapy Association Board Certified Trainer. She received a Masters’ degree in Counseling Psychology with a specialization in Drama Therapy at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, USA.

She is a private practice drama therapist working on outreaching programs to different organizations for various populations, including emotionally disturbed children, mental illnesses patients, elders, cancer patients, stress and for those who are interested in drama therapy.

Ms. Chan is currently the Honorary Lecturer of The Hong Kong University’s Master of Expressive Art Therapy Programme (Introduction of Drama Therapy) and Supervisor of Master of Social Sciences (Behavioral Health) Programme (Use of Drama in Clinical Practice).

For more than twenty years, she had worked extensively with various theatre companies, schools and community groups as actress, director, play-writer and drama tutor. In 2017, she won the “Outstanding Actress” award of The 9th Hong Kong Theatre Libre Award with the production “Mothering Voices”.

Prior to her education in drama therapy, she received her Bachelor Degree in Journalism and Communication at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is also the translator for the Chinese edition of “Acting For Real: Drama therapy process, technique, and performance”.

Web: http://www.adramaland.com
Email: adeline@adramaland.com

朱嘉琦女士  Ms. Diana Chu

Diana is a Registered Drama Therapist and Board Certified Trainer through the North America Drama Therapy Association. She is also licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a psychodynamic coach for founders, investors, and entrepreneurs. She has a private practice and works at Stanford University Graduate School of Business (US) as an Interpersonal Dynamics facilitator, supporting MBA students in developing emotional intelligence, communication skills, and self-awareness.

Apart from Drama Therapy, she is trained in Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), Gottman Method Couples Therapy, Prepare / Enrich Program, and Ketamine Assist Therapy.

Diana serves as Education Chair on the North American Drama Therapy Association Board. She loves to connect with Drama Therapists from Hong Kong and host week-long workshops/ company offsites in Asia.

Therapy Website: dianachutherapy.com
Coaching Website: https://www.refactoreq.com/

盧幸賢女士  Ms. Candy Lo

US Board-Certified Dance/Movement Therapist,  US Registered Drama Therapist/Board Certified Trainer, US Certified Child Life Specialist. Master of Arts in Dance/Movement Therapy and Couseling, Baby Signing Time instructor. Facilitator at University of Hong Kong, School of Medicine (Medical Humanities, Performing Arts Module;  designed by The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection ) and Honorary Lecturer of University of Hong Kong (Masters of Expressive Arts Therapy program and Adjunct faculty at the Lesley University’s Expressive Therapies Program.

Candy is also President of Hong Kong Dance/ Movement Therapy Association, President of Hong Kong Child Life Association and Secretary of The Hong Kong Association of Drama Therapists.

Candy owns her private practise, Piece of Sky, Creative Arts Therapy and Counseling working with various populations, including cancer patients ( children and adults) and their family members, bereaved clients, people suffered with other medical situation, people in the Autistic spectrum ( chilled and adults) , mental illnesses, corporate etc. Her population range from pre-natal to elderly.

Candy is also a professional performer and worked as a singer at Hong Kong Disneyland for three years prior to her therapy career after her BA in Music Theatre Dance at University of Arts London (London Studio Centre).

Web: http://www.piece-of-sky.com
Email: candylo@piece-of-sky.com

余漢傑先生  Mr. Eddie Yu

Qualified Drama Therapy Supervisor, UK
Registered Drama Therapist, UK & USA,
Registered Psychodrama Psychotherapist, UK,
Registered Social Worker, Hong Kong,
MA Drama & Movement Therapy (Sesame), CSSD, University of London UK,
Bachelor of Social Work, The University of Hong Kong,
Level 2 Graduate, Developmental Transformations Institute, USA,
Ethics Committee Chair of The Hong Kong Association of Drama Therapists,
Leadership Graduate & Accredited Trainer, Centre for Playback Theatre, USA
Professional Member, International Playback Theatre Network

Eddie enjoys working with people and creating changes in life through the power of
drama and creativity. He works as a Clinical Supervisor, at Social Rehabilitation &
Community Support Centres, The Social of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention,
Hong Kong; and as an Honorary Lecturer, Placement and Dissertation Supervisor at
the Department of Social Work & Social Administration, The University of Hong
Kong. He has practice with special interest in working with people with trauma,
palliative care, bereavement and mental health needs. Eddie used to work for
HKBGCA as Drama Psychotherapist and Professional Supervisor.

Eddie has been promoting Psychodrama Psychotherapy, Drama Therapy, Playback
Theatre, Forum Theatre/ Theatre of the Oppressed, and Use of Drama in working with
people by collaborating with universities, secondary and primary schools, NGOs,
hospitals and private sectors by planning and offering training, consultation,
supervision and workshop locally and internationally. He is Founder & co-Artistic
Director, Encounter Playback Theatre; co-Director, School of Playback Theatre (Hong
Kong); Trainer, School of Playback Theatre (Japan); Trainer & Supervisor,
Developmental Transformations Institute, Hong Kong, Shen Zhen & Taiwan.

Email: eddie.yu@live.com

HKADT Professional members are listed below (In alphabetical order):

陳楚鍵先生  Mr. Chan Cho Kin
M.Ed. (Griffith U., Aus), PG Dip (LCP, UK), B.F.A (HKAPA), RDT (NADTA, US), AThR (ANZACATA)Registered Drama Therapist/Registered Creative Arts Therapist/Accredited Psychodrama Psychotherapist/Applied theatre practitioner

Treasurer, HKADT

Kin is holding registrations as a Drama Therapist (NADTA, US), Creative Arts Therapist (ANZACATA), and accreditation of Psychodrama Psychotherapist (BPA, UK). With experience in both full-time and part-time roles across charitable and private organizations, Kin specializes in trauma-informed treatment for individuals of all ages, including toddlers, children, families, adults, and those within the neurodiversity population. Kin’s therapeutic approach emphasizes the promotion of developmental, mental, relational, and emotional health through early childhood education, dramatic play, creative arts, and trauma therapy techniques. Kin’s academic achievements include a Master’s degree in Drama Education from Griffith University Australia, a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree from the Drama School of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, a Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodrama Group and Individual Psychotherapy from the London Centre for Psychodrama, a certificate in Advanced Training from the Playback Theatre School in the United States, and a level 2 certificate in Therapeutic Spiral Model trauma treatment.

Kin also previously serving as Vice President of both the Hong Kong Psychodrama Association and the Hong Kong Association of Drama Therapists.

Prior to transitioning into psychotherapy, Kin amassed 16 years of diverse experience within the performing arts industry, encompassing various roles across theatre, Hong Kong theme parks, television dramas, advertisements, films, and voice-over projects. Kin’s proficiency in different forms of arts and media enriches their therapeutic practice, enabling them to contribute significantly to the well-being of others.

Facebook @AuthenticACTS
Instagram @kinpsychotherapist
Reference and Links: http://www.hkpsychodrama.org
Reference and Links: https://www.psychodrama.org.uk
Reference and Links: https://www.anzacata.org
Reference and Links: https://www.nadta.org

陳愷欣女士  Ms. Step Chan

President, HKADT

Step is a registered drama therapist (RDT, NADTA) and a DvT (Level 1) Practitioner. She earned her Master Degree in Forensic Psychology in the UK, started her drama therapy journey as a trainee since 2019, and became registered in 2023. She has been working with children/adolescents with special education needs and their parents, people with emotional distress or suffering from mental health issues, and elderly with mild dementia. She is now a freelance therapist of the Hong Kong Drama Therapy Center.

Step is also an active Playback theatre practitioner who has completed Playback Theatre elementary training and have attended intermediate courses on conducting and acting. She is now a core member and vice-chair of YaatLo Playback Theatre Hong Kong.

Email: step.hoiyanchan@gmail.com

鄺文傑先生  Mr. MK Kwong
Drama Therapist/Registered Social Worker/Applied Theatre & Drama Education Practitioner/Narrative Therapy Practitioner

Master of Arts Degree in Counseling Psychology with a concentration in Drama Therapy (California Institute of Integral Studies)
Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Social Work (2nd Upper Honours) (City University of Hong Kong)
Professional Diploma in Applied Theatre & Drama Education (Outstanding student) (Hong Kong Art School)

Clinical experiences:
Secondary school social worker and Hong Kong Drama Therapy Center Co-founder (Volunteer)
Clients population:Children and teenagers affected by the emotion and mental health problem, children and teenagers affected by special education needs
Theories:the Integrative Five Phase Model of Drama Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Attachment Theories

Applied Theatre & Drama Education:
MK was a members of Hau Playback Theatre Company (Hong Kong), Mirror Playback Theatre Company (Hong Kong), and Being Playback Theatre Company (America). MK performed over 80 Playback Theatre Performance in Hong Kong and trained Playback Theatre with universities, secondary school and primary school students. Mk had lead the project of 「SEN 有 Say」Ethnodrama Perofmrance and 「……不是世界的全部」 Narradrama Performance.

MK performed“Tree and Life- An Environmental Conservation Theatre”under 2013 Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme and“Water and Life- An Environmental Conservation Theatre”under 2014 Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme.

Facebook @hongkongdramatherapycenter
Instagram @hkdtc
Email: hkdtcenter@gmail.com

李思揚女士  Ms. Si Yeung Li
NADTA registered drama therapist/Theatre practitioner/Researcher

Ethics Committee Chair, HKADT

Clinical services:
As a freelance drama therapist & co-founder of Hong Kong Drama Therapy Center, Si Yeung has experience working with children and youth with developmental challenges, adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses, adults with intellectual disabilities, and seniors. She provides individual and group drama therapy sessions, and drama therapy workshops for people in need.

Theatre practices:
She finds joy in theatre practices and performances in roles of actor, playwright, and playback theatre conductor. Recent performances include: Atman Mirage & Big Four Father & Mother by Legend Infinity, Playback performances by Mirror (Playback Theatre Company), etc.

Si Yeung is passionate about research, her research interest include arts & mental health awareness development.

Facebook @lisiyeungDT, @hongkongdramatherapycenter
Instagram @hkdtc
Email: siyeungli2@gmail.com

盧家碧女士  Ms. Lo Ka-pik, Prisca

Vice-President, HKADT

Graduated from Lesley University, USA with a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, specialized in drama therapy. Prisca is also a graduate of the Hong Kong Baptist University with a Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Studies (History), the Hong Kong Polytechnic University a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Psychology, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master’s degree in Gender Studies. She has worked in local and mainland social welfare organizations for more than 10 years, and have also participated in Breakthrough’s Christian Adventure Counseling and Youth Global Network volunteer work for 10 years. Since 2016, Prisca has received training in improvisation theatre, drama and movement training, and established One Stove – Playback Theatre Company. In addition, she has been working with organizations in Hong Kong and China to provide drama education, planning and training for youth programs in a consultative manner. Targeted individuals are students with special educational needs and people with psychological/psychiatric diagnosis.

麥慕思女士  Ms. MO Mak
Dramatherapist / Counsellor / Drama Tutor

Working from Theatre to School, MO always walk alongside the autistic society in different places. She was graduated from The Royal Central School of Speech & Drama, University of London and was registered as Dramatherapist under the Health and Care Professions Council (UK). During the study, she ran sessions at addiction centre, care home for disabled adults, special school, mainstream school and children centre. She worked as a support worker for different autistic families in London as well.

Web: https://modramatherapist.wixsite.com/main
Email: mo.dramatherapist@gmail.com
Reference and Links: https://www.hcpc-uk.org

吳紹熙先生  Mr. Larry Ng

Secretary, HKADT

Larry is a registered dramatherapist (RDT, NADTA) and a certified hypnotherapist (IMDHA), as well as a certified Jeremy Krauss Approach Therapist for children with developmental disabilities and a internationally certified Feldenkrais Method practitioner. He has also completed professional diploma trainings in Satir Model family therapy and Psychodrama. He is also now in training of Therapeutic Spiral Model of Psychodrama, and is studying Neuro-Dramatic-Play under Sue Jennings.

He has worked for years as therapist to serve teenagers with SEN (special educational needs) in school settings and youths in crisis in shelter house settings, besides emotionally disturbed adults and highly stressed parents with challenging children in NGO settings as well as private practice setting. He serves also mental health rehabilitants, people suffering from a variety of mental health issues (anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, addictions, etc) and other minority groups. He has around 1500 hours of clinical practice experience up till now.

As an artist he has his full-time professional training in Physical and Devising Theatre (Lecoq approach) and Corporeal Mime (Decroux system), and is specialized in using mask, designing mask and making mask; he was invited by international mime festival to perform and to give masterclass.

He is also a playback theatre practitioner who has completed all four levels of the internationally recognized training, including the Playback Theater Leadership program, and has more than 10 years of on-going experience. He was a member of education reformation committee of Center of Playback Theater, US.

He was also academically trained in philosophy (BA, 1st hon.; MPhil), Drama in Education (MEd) and in sociology (PhD candidacy).

He has been teaching in universities for more than 10 years. Since 2016, Larry has been invited as a guest lecturer in Hong Kong University for the lecture about “Psychological Assessment through Drama”. For many years, he has been invited to teach physical theatre, mask theater and playback theatre in different countries in Europe (Germany, Poland, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, United Kingdom), Russia, Palestine, India, Mainland China, Macau and Taiwan.

Email: larry064064@gmail.com

黃靜嫺女士  Ms. Dorothy Wong
MSScC AU, MA CSSD, RDT UK, Corporate Trainer, NVQ CN

Dorothy is a state-registered arts (drama) therapist of the Health Care Professions Council in the United Kingdom. She graduated from The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London (MA in Drama and Movement Therapy), University of South Australia (MSSc in Counselling) and Hong Kong Baptist University (BA in Religious Studies). She is one of the founding members of The Hong Kong Association of Drama Therapists.

As founder and director of Dream of Tomorrow, Dorothy has a particular commitment in arts engagement strategies, corporate training, community art projects, drama therapy youth development programmes. She has led many local and overseas training since 1998, running corporate training and drama workshops in Hong Kong, China, Cambodia, Canada and United Kingdom, etc.

Dorothy has been working in the areas of brand marketing and corporate training. She works on brand development projects, staff development programmes, specialising in corporate culture and customer services. She also acquired the China National Vocational Qualification on Corporate Management Training.

Web: http://www.dreamoftomorrow.hk
Facebook @Dream of Tomorrow
Instagram @dot_dreamoftomorrow
Email: info@dreamoftomorrow.hk